Legalization for Uruguay

Uruguay or the Eastern Republic of Uruguay is a country located in southeastern part of South America with a population of approximately 3.5 million people.
Despite its small size, Uruguay has attracted the attention of both ordinary people and companies. For Russian companies, this country is interesting for its export of agricultural and fishery products, ordinary people go there to live and work. In any case, you can use documents issued in Russia in Uruguay only if they are properly legalized.
At the Embassy of Uruguay in Moscow, you can legalize both personal documents (various Russian certificates, testimonials, diplomas, different kinds of certificates, including criminal record certificates) and commercial documents (Articles of Associations, certificates, extracts, contracts, commercial invoices, balance sheets, etc.). There are three bodies to pass through when legalizing personal documents and certain documents of companies. They are the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and directly the Consular Section of the Embassy of Uruguay in Moscow. You can also legalize documents issued in Russia at the Consular Section after certifying them at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia.
Translation into Spanish is not necessary – you are recommended to do it in Uruguay. The consular fee for legalization of personal and commercial documents differs by 2 times
In order to properly legalize the documents and not lose precious time, it is important to prevent errors during its execution. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals who deal with such issue professionally.
Moscow-based translation agency, Impression, offers its services on legalization of Russian documents for use in Uruguay. Our experts consider each document in a separate order, and so to get detailed information, you should please contact us by phone or e-mail. You will get quick answers to all your questions regarding legalization of your documents. We will do our best to help you.